Pervasive computing will more and more influence on the everyday life because more and more electronical devices are capable of speaking IP, e.g. via Ethernet, WiFi or Bluetooth. Vibrators will be no exception. Although people haven't realized this yet, there are in fact already vibrating devices with IP-connectivity called mobiles or cellulars. The AT command specified in GSM 07.07 does only provide a command to enable the vibrating on an incomming phone call. Therefore the controlling of these vibrating devices is rather clumsy.
The aim of this project is to supply an open platform for controlling vibrating devices via internet.
The submitted and not accepted April-1st-RFC is included in the tar-ball and also available here.
The sample implementation can be downloaded here:
A documentation of the interface will follow soon. (It is not not so soon anymore.)
So now at least a little overview:
The serial connection to the PC works at 9600bps. (Don't forget to set the correct UBR_9600 value for your crystal in ser-avr.h.) After reseting the device by raising DTR a short time, it responds with the string "BHEF1". (The "1" is the interface version.) After that the device supports at least the command "Set", which is used to control the vibrator. 0 is here off and 255 is 100% power. The support for "PWM Conf" and "Abs" is optional. The first allows to configure the parameters for calculation of PWM values from the level value. The second allows setting directly the PWM value. For more information use the source.
The current prototype controls the vibrator with the PWM pin PB1. (For details you have to wait for the schematics.) There is also a LED at pin PD7, which is turned on when the vibrator is running. (I mean it is glowing ... shining.)
PS: I know, that it has been tested at least once. The interval feature is apparently a great benefit.
PPS: Any reports on real live usage? Or even if somebody has built this?
Copyright 2003 by Matthias Brüstle (, who is also
responsible for the content of these pages.
Last changes: 2004-08-30.